
Our mission

To increase the Resilience of Roma Communities in the face of social, economic, environmental, health, political changes and crises through Education.

Our vision

To create a supportive environment for every child, young person and parent with whom REF works, empowering them to develop personal resilience in rapidly changing societies.

To instill confidence and a sense of belonging, and to encourage active participation within their communities while emphasizing the importance of education as a catalyst for growth and development.

Alumni Network Digital Platform

A powerful partnership, an unstoppable force for positive transformation of our Roma communities. Let's Build Resilient Roma Communities Together!

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The Roma Education Fund Romania is seeking to hire an Expert in Project Implementation and Project Writing.

Location: Roma Education Fund Romania HQ, Bucharest Job Type – Full Time REF Romania, a non-profit organization legally established in Romania in 2009, focuses on implementing publicly funded projects for vulnerable communities in disadvantaged areas of Romania, as well as international projects. To enhance our efforts in drafting and submitting new projects, we are looking [Read More]

The Roma Education Fund Romania is seeking to hire an Expert in Project Implementation and Project Writing.

Armina’s Journey: A Tale of Resilience and Hope

Armina is a Recipient of the Early Childhood Education program under the EU Regional Action for Roma Education: Increased Education Support and Opportunities for Roma Students in the Western Balkans and Turkey (RARE), phase II Project, funded by the European Commission through the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations and implemented by REF Romania and REF [Read More]

Armina’s Journey: A Tale of Resilience and Hope

Questions and Answers | Call for the Selection of Implementing Partner Organizations in MONTENEGRO

Under the agreement with the European Commission Directorate-General European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) to implement the second wave of the multi-country Roma education project in the Western Balkans and Turkey: MONTENEGRO Concerning the Call for Selection of Implementing Partner Organization – Montenegro on education levels – ECD and Primary education (ECD and PRI), Secondary Education (SEC), [Read More]

Questions and Answers | Call for the Selection of Implementing Partner Organizations in MONTENEGRO

Our projects

Roma Leadership Program

Roma Alumni Network is a vibrant archive and learning platform connecting alumni and new generations passionate about Roma activism, culture, and history.

Alumni Roma Education

Roma Status

Roma Status is a Facebook group created by our team in Romania and administrated by Gabriel Zorilă. Among many projects we produce for our audience, "Inspiring Stories Podcast" is the best received. Zorila is the host of the show.

Roma Status

REF Educators Network

REF Educators Network is a collaborative LMS platform empowering educators with resources, training, and a shared space to advance inclusive Roma education.

Educators Roma Education

REF Skills and Employment

REF Coaching & Skill is an open LMS platform where students can enroll, access courses, and develop key skills for their academic and professional growth.

Skills Roma Education
Abigail Rothblatt Bardi
The Gypsy as Trope in Victorian and Modern British Literature,
The Gypsy as Trope in Victorian and Modern British Literature,
David Mayall
Gypsy Identities: 1500-2000. From Egipcyans and Moon-men to the Ethnic Romany
Gypsy Identities: 1500-2000. From Egipcyans and Moon-men to the Ethnic Romany
Diane Tong (ed.)
Gypsies. An Interdisciplinary Reader
Gypsies. An Interdisciplinary Reader
David Mayall
Gypsy-travellers in Nineteenth-Century Society
Gypsy-travellers in Nineteenth-Century Society
Terence Cave
Mignon’s Afterlives. Crossing Cultures from Goethe to the Twenty-First Century,
Mignon’s Afterlives. Crossing Cultures from Goethe to the Twenty-First Century,
Mărginean, Ioan (coord.), Ana Maria Preoteasa, Iuliana Precupeţu, Sorin Cace
Cercetări cu privire la minoritatea romă
Cercetări cu privire la minoritatea romă
Mihai Merfea
Cultură și civilizație romani
Cultură și civilizație romani
Lucian Nastasă, Andreea Varga
Minorităţi etnoculturale. Mărturii documentare. Ţiganii din România (1919-1944)
Minorităţi etnoculturale. Mărturii documentare. Ţiganii din România (1919-1944)
Judith Okely
The Traveller Gypsies
The Traveller Gypsies
George Soulis
The Gypsies in the Byzantine Empire and the Balkans in the Late Middle Ages
The Gypsies in the Byzantine Empire and the Balkans in the Late Middle Ages
Nicholas Saul şi Susan Tebbut Saul (eds.)
The Role of the Romanies. Images and Counter-Images of ‘Gypsies’/Romanies in European Cultures
The Role of the Romanies. Images and Counter-Images of ‘Gypsies’/Romanies in European Cultures
Wim Willems
In Search of the True Gypsy. From Enlightenment to Final Solution
In Search of the True Gypsy. From Enlightenment to Final Solution
Elena Zamfir, Cătălin Zamfir
Ţiganii între ignorare şi îngrijorare
Ţiganii între ignorare şi îngrijorare
Miron Radu Paraschivescu
Cântice țigănești și alte poeme
Cântice țigănești și alte poeme
Radu Rosetti
Doina Ruști
Manuscrisul fanariot
Manuscrisul fanariot

Our team and partners

Ciprian NECULA Executive President

For more than two decades, Ciprian has been active as a Roma activist, undertaking various professions and public roles to foster an inclusive society and diminish the marginalization and exclusion of Roma in Romania. His career in activism commenced under the guidance and mentorship of Nicolae Gheorghe. Ciprian has held various roles, including journalist, leader [Read More]

Ciprian NECULA Executive President

Stanislav DANIEL Director of REF Slovakia

Stano is a Roma rights activist, advocate, researcher and trainer from Slovakia. Being a member of the community himself, his knowledge combines first-hand experience with theoretical knowledge he gained through both formal and informal education. He currently works as a freelancer for a number of organizations, including the government. His previous work experience includes the [Read More]

Stanislav DANIEL Director of REF Slovakia

Redjepali CHUPI Director of REF Serbia and North Macedonia

Redjepali has 20 years of experience in governmental and NGO sectors, focusing on promoting minority rights and inclusive education. As the former Director of the Directorate for Promotion and Development of Languages for Ethnic Minorities at the Ministry of Education and Science in the Republic of Macedonia, he spearheaded efforts to ensure the realization of [Read More]

Redjepali CHUPI Director of REF Serbia and North Macedonia

Claudia CRAIU Public Affairs Director

With a robust foundation in journalism and communication, she has collaborated with some of the world’s most prestigious media giants, including Deutsche Welle, Al Jazeera, Euronews, and the BBC. Her freelance journalism career is marked by notable projects, such as working with acclaimed American documentary filmmaker Lesley Chilcott on “CodeGirls” and with Blenheim Films UK [Read More]

Claudia CRAIU Public Affairs Director
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Initial Founders

The World Bank

An international financial institution that provides loans and grants to the governments of low- and middle-income countries for the purpose of pursuing capital projects.
The World Bank

Open Society Foundations

Financially supports civil society groups around the world, with the stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media.
Open Society Foundations