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The Roma Education Fund Romania is seeking to hire an Expert in Project Implementation and Project Writing.

Location: Roma Education Fund Romania HQ, Bucharest Job Type – Full Time REF Romania, a non-profit organization legally established in Romania in 2009, focuses on implementing publicly funded projects for vulnerable communities in disadvantaged areas of Romania, as well as international projects. To enhance our efforts in drafting and submitting new projects, we are looking [Read More]

Armina’s Journey: A Tale of Resilience and Hope

Armina is a Recipient of the Early Childhood Education program under the EU Regional Action for Roma Education: Increased Education Support and Opportunities for Roma Students in the Western Balkans and Turkey (RARE), phase II Project, funded by the European Commission through the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations and implemented by REF Romania and REF [Read More]

Questions and Answers | Call for the Selection of Implementing Partner Organizations in MONTENEGRO

Under the agreement with the European Commission Directorate-General European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) to implement the second wave of the multi-country Roma education project in the Western Balkans and Turkey: MONTENEGRO Concerning the Call for Selection of Implementing Partner Organization – Montenegro on education levels – ECD and Primary education (ECD and PRI), Secondary Education (SEC), [Read More]

Closing Conference of the “Pedagogy Scholarship Program” Marks a New Beginnin: The REF Educators Network

On December 7, 2024, the Roma Education Fund Romania hosted the closing conference of the Pedagogy Scholarship Program, funded by the Velux Foundations and REF. The event brought together teachers, mentors, scholarship recipients, and civil society representatives, creating an inspiring space for workshops, exchanges of best practices, and motivational stories. “Over the past ten years, this [Read More]

JAVNI POZIV ZA OBAVLJANJE STRUČNE PRAKSE namenjen pripadnicima romske nacionalne manjine

Fondacija za obrazovanje Roma (FOR) objavljuje  konkurs za obavljanje stručne prakse i usavršavanja mladih Romkinja i Roma kroz program stažiranja kod poslodavaca iz javnog, civilnog i privatnog sektora. Rok za prijavu: 22.12.2024. godine, do 23:59h Program stručne prakse se realizuje u okviru projekta projekta „Usmeravanje mladih Roma i Romkinja ka kvalitetnom obrazovanju i zapošljavanju: QualiROM” koji je [Read More]

Scholarship Opportunity: Master in Public Policy at the University of Oxford

Are you a Roma graduate with at least a BA degree? Considering a Master’s in Public Policy? The University of Oxford and the Blavatnik School of Government, in partnership with the Roma Education Fund, are offering a scholarship for one outstanding Roma applicant for the 2025/26 academic year. This is your chance to develop the [Read More]

Vacancy announcement for Country Facilitator in Serbia

The Roma Education Fund (REF) is looking for a Country Facilitator position under Consultancy contract to ensure implementation of the project activities in Western Balkans and Turkey within the REF project “Increased education support and opportunities for Roma students in Western Balkans and Turkey” funded by European Union. Background The project EU Regional Action for Roma [Read More]

Researchers from 5 countries, at the III Edition of the Scientific Conference dedicated to Nicolae Gheorghe

The Roma Education Fund Romania, in collaboration with the Master of Roma Studies and the Faculty of Political Sciences at the National School of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA) in Bucharest, Romania, organized the third edition of the International Scientific Conference on “Gheorghianism (Nicolae Gheorghe’s Doctrine) and the Foundations of the Roma Nation”. The event [Read More]

Prijava za događaj povezivanja – “Budi glas usmeravanja”

POZIV ZA OMLADINSKE SARADNIKE I SARADNICE Fondacija za obrazovanje Roma poziva sve mlade Rome i Romkinje, kao i korisnike REF-ovih programa da nam se pridruže na predstojećem događaju povezivanja, koji se organizuju u sklopu projekta “Usmeravanje mladih Roma i Romkinja ka kvalitetnom obrazovanju i zapošljavanju”. Trodnevni seminar za mlade Rome i Romkinje se organizuje sa ciljem [Read More]

REF Serbia is Launching the QualiROM Project

The ‘Guiding Roma Youth to Quality Education and Employment: QualiROM’ project aims to ease the transition of young Roma from Serbia into employment. This initiative will support 250 youths in identifying their educational and career paths, making informed decisions, and ensuring a smooth transition into their professional lives. The project is funded by the German [Read More]

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