
Amari Misia

Te bariaras I resilienca e rromane komuniteturenqi mamuj le social, ekonomiko,

Amaro Dikhipen

Te keras jehk vastutno medio vaś fitesavo ćhavo, terne ȝene aj lenqe daja aj dada saveça o REF kerel buti, aj te den lenge zor te bariaren personalo resilienca and-e societete kaj paruven pen sigo.

Te das pakiv aj jekh manaj palal so sam maśkar amende, aj te das zor anda jekh aktivome participaciaa and-e lenqe komunitete zorales sikavindoj I importanca e edukaciaqi sar jekh vorta phandimos vaś buxliarimos aj bariarimos.

Alumni Network Digital Platform

A powerful partnership, an unstoppable force for positive transformation of our Roma communities. Let's Build Resilient Roma Communities Together!

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Teach for Romania and REF have launched registrations for participation in the closing event “Segregation on the Minus, Diversity on the Plus”

PRESS RELEASE All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Let’s contribute to a world where this is the reality. Come join us at the event to see how we can do this together. Teach for Romania together with the Roma Education Fund launched the call for applications to give everyone [Read More]

Teach for Romania and REF have launched registrations for participation in the closing event “Segregation on the Minus, Diversity on the Plus”

Three years of the “Today I learn, tomorrow I work” project Final results

Press release 12|12|2023 The Roma Education Fund Foundation organized, in a hybrid format, on December 5, 2023, at the Beica de Jos Secondary School, Mureș County, the closing event of the project “Today I learn, tomorrow I work” (ID 148454), co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Program Operational Human Capital. For 30 months, [Read More]

Three years of the “Today I learn, tomorrow I work” project Final results

“Build your own future through education”, final results after three years of the project

Press release | 04.12.2023 The Roma Education Fund Romania Foundation organized on November 28, 2023, at the Secondary School in Scarișoara, Olt county, the closing event of the project “Build your own future through education” – MySMIS code 146032 – co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Human Capital Operational Program . The event [Read More]

“Build your own future through education”, final results after three years of the project

Our projects

Roma Legacy

Roma Legacy is an Archive and a Learning tool that delivers world-class learning experiences for the representatives of the new generation, youths and adults interested în Roma activism, culture, and history.

Roma Legacy

Roma Status

Roma Status is a Facebook group created by our team in Romania and administrated by Gabriel Zorilă. Among many projects we produce for our audience, "Inspiring Stories Podcast" is the best received. Zorila is the host of the show.

Roma Status

"Ochii Minții" is a cultural platform of the sound show, which transports us into history through text, voice and sound, like in an audio film.

"Ochii Minții", together with REF, launched the series-manifesto dedicated to the slavery of Roma in Romanian countries.

Ochii Minții

RomStoria is a project aimed at popularizing the history of the Roma people and serves as an educational material comprehensive enough to explain, in a manner understandable to anyone, significant events from the past of this enigmatic community, as referred to by B.P. Hașdeu.

Lucian Nastasă, Andreea Varga
Minorităţi etnoculturale. Mărturii documentare. Ţiganii din România (1919-1944)
Minorităţi etnoculturale. Mărturii documentare. Ţiganii din România (1919-1944)
Judith Okely
The Traveller Gypsies
The Traveller Gypsies
George Soulis
The Gypsies in the Byzantine Empire and the Balkans in the Late Middle Ages
The Gypsies in the Byzantine Empire and the Balkans in the Late Middle Ages
Nicholas Saul şi Susan Tebbut Saul (eds.)
The Role of the Romanies. Images and Counter-Images of ‘Gypsies’/Romanies in European Cultures
The Role of the Romanies. Images and Counter-Images of ‘Gypsies’/Romanies in European Cultures
Wim Willems
In Search of the True Gypsy. From Enlightenment to Final Solution
In Search of the True Gypsy. From Enlightenment to Final Solution
Elena Zamfir, Cătălin Zamfir
Ţiganii între ignorare şi îngrijorare
Ţiganii între ignorare şi îngrijorare
Miron Radu Paraschivescu
Cântice țigănești și alte poeme
Cântice țigănești și alte poeme
Radu Rosetti
Doina Ruști
Manuscrisul fanariot
Manuscrisul fanariot
Zaharia Stancu
Ninotchka Devorah Bennahum
Carmen, a Gypsy Geography
Carmen, a Gypsy Geography
Abigail Rothblatt Bardi
The Gypsy as Trope in Victorian and Modern British Literature,
The Gypsy as Trope in Victorian and Modern British Literature,
David Mayall
Gypsy Identities: 1500-2000. From Egipcyans and Moon-men to the Ethnic Romany
Gypsy Identities: 1500-2000. From Egipcyans and Moon-men to the Ethnic Romany
Diane Tong (ed.)
Gypsies. An Interdisciplinary Reader
Gypsies. An Interdisciplinary Reader
David Mayall
Gypsy-travellers in Nineteenth-Century Society
Gypsy-travellers in Nineteenth-Century Society
Terence Cave
Mignon’s Afterlives. Crossing Cultures from Goethe to the Twenty-First Century,
Mignon’s Afterlives. Crossing Cultures from Goethe to the Twenty-First Century,

Amari ekipa

Redjepali Chupi

Interim Director

Redjepali Chupi

Monica Călin

Education Expert

Monica Călin

Luiza Medeleanu

Interculturality Educational Expert

Luiza Medeleanu

Amalia-Florenţa Florea

Program Coordinator

Amalia-Florenţa Florea
Stay connected

Initial Founders

The World Bank

An international financial institution that provides loans and grants to the governments of low- and middle-income countries for the purpose of pursuing capital projects.
The World Bank

Open Society Foundations

Financially supports civil society groups around the world, with the stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media.
Open Society Foundations