
Call for the Selection of Implementing Partner Organizations

Under the agreement with the European Commission Directorate-General European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) to implement the second wave of the multi-country Roma education project in the Western Balkans and Turkey: ALBANIA

Application DEADLINE:  18 February, 2025

Under the project “EU Regional Action for Roma Education: Increased Education Support and Opportunities for Roma Students in the Western Balkans and Turkey (RARE), phase II”, REF launches the following streams under the Call for Selection of Implementing Partner Organizations:

  1. Early Childhood Development services (ECD) and primary education (PRI) – Expanding Access to Quality Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Primary School Education for Roma Children: Call for the Selection of Implementing Partner Organization in Albania

Please read the details in the annexed documents and submit your applications until the above-mentioned deadline.

For call for selection for ECD and PRI, click here1.1 LAUNCH-ECD-ALB Call for Selection-DGN II-28.01.2025

For ECD and PRI application form, click here1.2 ECD and PRI-Application Form Consolidated-28.01.2025

For ECD and PRI budget form, click here1.3 ECD and PRI-Budget Form-28.01.2025

Applications have to be submitted at:

Application deadline: 18 February 2025.

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