
The Roma Education Fund Romania is seeking to hire an Expert in Project Implementation and Project Writing.

Posted on January 14, 2025 by admin2

Location: Roma Education Fund Romania HQ, Bucharest

Job Type – Full Time

REF Romania, a non-profit organization legally established in Romania in 2009, focuses on implementing publicly funded projects for vulnerable communities in disadvantaged areas of Romania, as well as international projects. To enhance our efforts in drafting and submitting new projects, we are looking to hire an expert in project implementation and writing to join our Programs Department team.



Mandatory Education – University degree (postgraduate studies are an advantage).

Knowledge and Skills:


Key Competencies:

We Offer:

How to Apply:

Send an updated CV along with a Cover Letter (max. 1 page) to by January 31, 2025, mentioning in the email subject line: “Application Expert REF RO – Your Name.”

In your cover letter, please address the following questions:

  1. What motivates you to work for an organization that supports Roma communities?
  2. How does your professional experience align with the requirements of this position?
  1. Knowledge of Romani language is considered an added value;
  2. Individuals identifying themselves as Roma, Roma Education Fund scholarship recipients, and fulfilling the above-mentioned profile and requirements are encouraged to apply. Qualified female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.

Important: Due to a high number of applications, unfortunately, REF is not in the position to be able to respond to every applicant individually. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.

Armina’s Journey: A Tale of Resilience and Hope

Posted on December 30, 2024 by admin2

Armina is a Recipient of the Early Childhood Education program under the EU Regional Action for Roma Education: Increased Education Support and Opportunities for Roma Students in the Western Balkans and Turkey (RARE), phase II Projectfunded by the European Commission through the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations and implemented by REF Romania and REF Serbia

Armina Biberovic, a bright and resilient child, was born on November 27, 2018, in the bustling city of Tuzla, Bosnia and  Herzegovina. Her life, along with that of her family, has been marked by significant challenges and upheavals.

Armina lives with her mother, a determined 29-year-old woman, and her five siblings: four sisters aged 2, 3, 10, and 12, and one brother aged 8. Until recently, they resided in the Roma community of Krojcica Tuzla, a place they had called home since Armina’s birth. However, their lives were turned upside down when their father forced them out of their home. They found temporary refuge in the Roma community of Miladije Tuzla, staying with a cousin who has generously offered them shelter.

Both Krojcica and Miladije are diverse Roma communities in Tuzla. Krojcica is home to approximately 80 families, while Miladije houses around 20. Despite the hardships, Armina’s mother is unwavering in her commitment to her children’s education. Armina, now in the first grade at the Public Institution Primary School “Kreka” Tuzla, is a diligent student who loves learning. Her older siblings, who are also dedicated students, serve as positive role models for her.

The family has been supported by the Association of Roma “Euro Rom” Tuzlaa grantee of the RARE project. They provided Armina and her brother Armin with school supplies and educational workshops. These initiatives have been crucial in preparing them for school and supporting their academic journey. Armina’s mother is determined to ensure that all her children receive a good education, hoping it will offer them opportunities she never had.

Armina’s aspirations are simple yet profound. She dreams of a stable home where her family can be warm, have enough food, and study without worries. She wishes to complete her education and support her mother, who has sacrificed so much for them. The support from the project team and the community has been a lifeline, offering hope and a sense of belonging.

Armina’s story is one of hope, resilience, and the pursuit of a better future. With the love and determination of her family and the kindness of those who support them, they can overcome many obstacles.


The EU Regional Action for Roma Education: Increased Education Support and Opportunities for Roma Students in the Western Balkans and Turkey (RARE), Phase II builds on the success of the initial project implemented by REF from 2018 to 2021.

During the first phase, education services were provided across seven countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Turkey), engaging over 4,500 Roma children from various educational levels in educational activities.

The current phase aims to sustain and expand the achievements of the initial project, while also establishing a solid foundation for the inclusion and participation of children in education.

The project aims to bridge the gap between Roma and non-Roma in terms of participation and completion of quality education, enhance the transition of Roma students from education to employment, and foster lasting systemic change and de-segregation within education systems in the enlargement region.

Specific objectives include:

The project incorporates a gender perspective, aiming to provide educational access to Roma girls and women, thereby promoting gender equality and empowering them. The lack of access to educational services, discrimination in schools and educational institutions, and prevailing negative attitudes towards women significantly hinder Roma girls and women from accessing education. These barriers have a profound and lasting negative impact on their lives.

During the first year of implementation, as part of the Early Childhood Education/ECD Services at the project level, REF has supported at least 585 children aged 4-6 in accessing quality Early Childhood Development (ECD) services and opportunities for outdoor activities and learning. The distribution of supported children is as follows: Albania – 60, Bosnia and Herzegovina – 63, Kosovo* – 60, North Macedonia – 85, Montenegro – 122, Serbia – 159, and Turkey – 40.


Questions and Answers | Call for the Selection of Implementing Partner Organizations in MONTENEGRO

Posted on December 27, 2024 by admin2

Under the agreement with the European Commission Directorate-General European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) to implement the second wave of the multi-country Roma education project in the Western Balkans and Turkey: MONTENEGRO

Concerning the Call for Selection of Implementing Partner Organization – Montenegro on education levels – ECD and Primary education (ECD and PRI), Secondary Education (SEC), Tertiary Education (TER), REF publishes the answers to the questions received on the above-mentioned call


Considering that our organization plans to apply for the RARE project call, we would like to inquire about the following: given that the target population addressed by the project includes even a greater number than the scope planned by the project, and we will be able to include more beneficiaries than initially planned, we are interested to know whether the 33 ECD beneficiaries and 45 school-aged beneficiaries represent the scope planned for the entire country or per project intervention. Furthermore, are the available funds of EUR 33,030 for ECD and EUR 14,100 for PRI available per project intervention for each applicant, or are they allocated collectively for all applicants?


The question above has come from a potential applicant from Montenegro. Valuing transparency, below we have provided detailed answers to the questions:

Scope of Beneficiaries:

The project intervention in Montenegro under ECD and PRI components will encompass two distinct project scopes (indicated in the call as academic years). It involves supporting at least 33 ECD-aged beneficiaries and 45 PRI-aged beneficiaries within one project year, totaling 66 and 90 children, respectively, over the entire project duration, which ends on 31 August 2026 as noted in the call. These specified targets represent the minimum number of beneficiaries set for Montenegro under the project. However, it is permissible to include additional beneficiaries, provided this is planned and budgeted accordingly.

Both, Secondary (SEC) and Tertiary (TER) levels of education are targeted with a minimum of 10 beneficiaries for each educational level annually, 20 cumulative per project per level.

Allocation of Funds:

The allocated funds for the project intervention under the published call (covering ECD and PRI) will be awarded to one implementing partner organization. The maximum budget is 33,030.00 EUR per project year, amounting to a total of 66,060.00 EUR for the entire project duration.

Available funds for the Secondary (SEC) education level project are 14,100 EUR per academic year, totaling to 28,200 EUR for the project duration.

As for Tertiary (TER) level of education, the available funds are 11,850 EUR per project year, respectively, and total amount of 23, 700 EUR for both years. These yearly allocations are intended to cover activities planned for these levels until 31 August 2025 for the first project year, i.e. 31 August  2026 for the entire project.

If an organization applies for only one educational level, it must plan and budget activities exclusively for that level, and both years. However, if an organization applies for multiple levels (e.g., SEC and TER), it can combine certain activities across levels (and across activities within a level) to include more beneficiaries while distributing the budget between the two levels. For example:

A planned employability training activity involving both secondary and tertiary level beneficiaries could be conducted over two days with different agendas for each day. One day can be budgeted under the SEC component, while the other can be allocated to the TER component. Both days can involve secondary and tertiary beneficiaries, and not limited to the minimum number of beneficiaries.

It is important to emphasize that each of the three project scopes (ECD/Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary) should be planned and budgeted separately, adhering to the minimum beneficiary targets outlined in the Call.

Application deadline: January 22, 2025

Applications have to be submitted at:

Closing Conference of the “Pedagogy Scholarship Program” Marks a New Beginnin: The REF Educators Network

Posted on December 12, 2024 by admin2

On December 7, 2024, the Roma Education Fund Romania hosted the closing conference of the Pedagogy Scholarship Program, funded by the Velux Foundations and REF. The event brought together teachers, mentors, scholarship recipients, and civil society representatives, creating an inspiring space for workshops, exchanges of best practices, and motivational stories.

“Over the past ten years, this Velux-funded program has contributed to the development of both Roma and non-Roma educators working primarily in Roma communities. The project has not ended but has transformed into the REF Educators Network — an international and national network of education professionals. The primary goal of this network is to invest in the academic preparation of teachers in Roma communities, fostering an intercultural educational environment where every child and parent feels supported and valued. Through this network, we aim to collaborate with educational professionals to promote Roma cultural identity in educational spaces and beyond, helping Roma children feel a sense of belonging within mainstream society,” said Maria Luiza Medeleanu, Intercultural Education Expert at REF Romania.

During the conference, the REF Romania team launched the guide “Intercultural Education – From Theory to Practice,” designed for teachers. This guide is a valuable resource for promoting diversity and intercultural education in Romanian schools. The event featured a series of thematic workshops highlighting the importance of diversity and empathy in education.

Daniela Stoicescu, Educational Expert at Roma Education Fund, shared:

“The guide Intercultural Education – From Theory to Practice was created by preschool and primary school teachers who work in multicultural settings, particularly in Roma communities. It offers a collection of learning activities that leverage the presence of children from various ethnic backgrounds and national minorities. Through daily activities aligned with the curriculum, children can develop critical thinking skills to better understand and appreciate cultural differences.”

One of the workshops explored techniques for intercultural education and literacy using Todd Parr’s book “It’s Okay to Be Different.” The activities were designed to foster empathy and promote diversity while aligning with school curriculum competencies.

Rebeca Gheorghe, a teacher at “Sf. Ierarh Nicolae” Secondary School in Bucu, Ialomița County, Romania, explained:

“We created a safe space for participants using trust games and interactive techniques such as the ‘3-2-1 Bridge.’ The collaborative puzzle we made became a metaphor for unity and the value of each individual contribution. The final message is simple yet powerful: ‘Being different is what makes us special.’”

Another workshop focused on identifying similarities and differences among people, emphasizing the uniqueness of each individual. Mirabela Pâslariu, a preschool teacher at Primary School No. 2 in Oneaga, Botoșani County, Romania, stated:

“I worked with my students on intercultural themes, and their positive energy inspired me to share these methods with my colleagues. We read from Nelson Mandela’s Long Walk to Freedom and created a collective poster celebrating diversity. Our responsibility is to preserve the innocence of children and cultivate respect for other cultures.”

About the REF Educators Network

The REF Educators Network will continue the mission of supporting inclusive education and cultural diversity. The network aims to train and support educators and education specialists working in Roma communities, promoting quality education in schools in Romania and beyond.

The Pedagogy Scholarship Program — funded by the #VELUX and #REF foundations — was implemented between 2014 and 2024 in Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary.

JAVNI POZIV ZA OBAVLJANJE STRUČNE PRAKSE namenjen pripadnicima romske nacionalne manjine

Posted on December 11, 2024 by admin2

Fondacija za obrazovanje Roma (FOR) objavljuje  konkurs za obavljanje stručne prakse i usavršavanja mladih Romkinja i Roma kroz program stažiranja kod poslodavaca iz javnog, civilnog i privatnog sektora.

Rok za prijavu: 22.12.2024. godine, do 23:59h

Program stručne prakse se realizuje u okviru projekta projekta „Usmeravanje mladih Roma i Romkinja ka kvalitetnom obrazovanju i zapošljavanju: QualiROM” koji je deo šireg projekta nemačko-srpske razvojne saradnje “Podrška socijalnim uključivanju u Srbiji”, koji sprovodi Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, u saradnji sa Ministarstvom za rad, zapošljavanje, boračka i socijalna pitanja.

FOR je do sada podržao značajan broj Romkinja i Roma za bolje pozicioniranje na tržištu rada uz pomoć pohađanja stručnih praksi, stručnih obuka, prekvalifikacija, dokvalifikacija, učenja stranih jezika, kao i kroz profesionalno i karijerno savetovanje.

Cilj programa je da olakša prelazak mladih iz sveta obrazovanja u svet rada kroz pružanje mogućnosti za dodatno sticanje znanja, veština i kompetencija. Program doprinosi smanjenju nezaposlenosti mladih Roma i Romkinja, i pruža smernice ustanovama visokog obrazovanja u koncipiranju inkluzivne politike.

O Fondaciji za obrazovanje Roma:

FOR je međunarodna fondacija, osnovana 2005. godine i posvećena je u doprinosu smanjenju jaza u obrazovanju između romskog i neromskog stanovništva. Sa aktivnom i rastućom mrežom predstavništava širom centralne, istočne, jugoistočne Evrope i Turske, Fondacija pruža podršku u kreiranju i sprovođenju strategija obrazovanja koje doprinose uključivanju Roma i Romkinja u obrazovne sisteme.

Ciljevi Fondacije za obrazovanje Roma:

Opšte informacije o konkursu:

Na konkurs se mogu prijaviti:

Posebno ohrabrujemo mlade Rome i Romkinje koji ranije nisu bili korisnici Programa stručne prakse da se prijave na konkurs za obavljanje stručnog stažiranja kod poslodavaca iz javnog, civilnog privatnog sektora.

Kako se prijaviti?

Posebni kriterijumi


U okviru ovog ciklusa konkursa za obavljanje stručne prakse, Fondacija za obrazovanje Roma može podržati najviše do 18 mladih Romkinja i Roma (do 10 kandidata sa srednjom stručnom spremom i 8 kandidata sa visokom stručnom spremom uključujući i kandidate/kandidatkinje koji su na završnoj godini studija). 

Nakon prikupljanja pristiglih prijava, u odnosu na definisane kriterijume konkursa, kandidati/kandidatkinje koji ispunjavaju uslove učestvuju u standardizovanom procesu selekcije i po završetku dobijaju povratnu informaciju o ishodu procesa. O ishodu konkursa kandidati/kandidatkinje će biti obavešteni najmanje pet dana pre početka stažiranja.

U cilju dodatnih pojašnjenja, dostupnih kategorija i oblasti stručnog usavršavanja, FOR zadržava pravo da prilikom odlučivanja organizuje dodatne intervjue sa kandidatima/kandidatkinjama i pristupi selekciji. 

O svim aktuelnim konkursima možete se informisati na sajtu:

Scholarship Opportunity: Master in Public Policy at the University of Oxford

Posted on December 9, 2024 by admin2

Are you a Roma graduate with at least a BA degree? Considering a Master’s in Public Policy? The University of Oxford and the Blavatnik School of Government, in partnership with the Roma Education Fund, are offering a scholarship for one outstanding Roma applicant for the 2025/26 academic year. This is your chance to develop the analytical and critical skills needed to understand and implement effective policies at one of the world’s leading universities!

In line with the Roma Education Fund’s (REF) new strategic direction, the foundation is fully dedicated to nurturing the next generation of Roma leaders, experts, and managers. REF has partnered with the Blavatnik School of Government seven years ago to support Roma applicants. This partnership is based on a shared commitment to inspiring and supporting better public policy and governance worldwide. The goal is to educate the most capable and aspiring Roma leaders, fostering their commitment to public service.

About the Course

The Oxford Master of Public Policy (MPP) is a one-year taught degree that develops analytical and critical skills essential for understanding and implementing public policy. It equips students with the skills necessary for effective policy delivery.

Scholarship Details

Eligible countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey, and Ukraine.

Roma Education Fund and the Blavatnik School of Government will fund ONE scholarship at the University of Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government. The scholarship is available to those who demonstrate academic excellence, proven leadership, and a commitment to public service, with the intention of returning to the public sector in their home countries after graduation.

Scholarships are awarded based on exceptional academic and leadership merit, aligned with the requirements of the Oxford Master of Public Policy (MPP) program. To qualify, applicants must first be accepted into the MPP program through Oxford’s admission process. SEE HERE

The application deadline is 9 January, 2025. For more details on the course, entry requirements, and how to apply, click here.

Summer Project Requirement

MPP scholarship recipients must complete a mandatory summer project at host institutions and write a fortnightly blog reporting on their project for the Roma Education Fund. Further details on the summer project requirements can be found here.



Within two weeks of receiving your offer of acceptance letter, you must then contact REF and complete and submit a Scholarship Questionnaire to be eligible for the scholarship.

Scholarship Coverage

The scholarship covers tuition fees and provides a contribution towards living expenses. Click here to estimate your living costs in Oxford.

The Blavatnik School of Government is committed to ensuring that financial constraints do not prevent the brightest and best applicants from pursuing their programs.

For this scholarship, you DO NOT apply through REF, instead in your MPP application state REF as a funding source.

For Course-related enquiries – please email
For the REF Scholarship, please email and use “MPP Scholarship” as the subject line.

Enrolment Steps for the Scholarship Opportunity

STEPT 1 – Apply to the MPP Program

STEPT 2 – Contact REF

Vacancy announcement for Country Facilitator in Serbia

Posted on December 6, 2024 by admin2

The Roma Education Fund (REF) is looking for a Country Facilitator position under Consultancy contract to ensure implementation of the project activities in Western Balkans and Turkey within the REF project “Increased education support and opportunities for Roma students in Western Balkans and Turkey” funded by European Union.


The project EU Regional Action for Roma Education: Increased Education Support and Opportunities for Roma Students in the Western Balkans and Turkey (RARE), phase II constitutes a second phase of the already-implemented project during 2018-2021 by REF. During the first phase of the project, the education services provided through the seven project countries (Albania – ALB; Bosnia and Herzegovina – BIH; Kosovo – KOS; Montenegro – MNE; North Macedonia – MAC; Serbia – SER; Turkey – TUR) amounted to involving more than 4500 Roma children and youth (from all educational levels) in education activities. The present project continues the gains and results of the initial project, while, at the same time, creating a well-founded base for children and youth inclusion and participation in education.

The project objectives will be achieved through:

In this sense, beneficiaries will be selected according to criteria that will support and promote gender equality in the sense that priority will be given to girls/women to be included in the project, thus ensuring gender inclusion throughout the entire period of the implementation of the project (related to all specific objectives).

The project is expected to run until December 2026.

Project’s Activities are:

Description of Responsibilities for the Country Facilitator

The Country Facilitator under direct supervision and guidance of the Project Team based in REF Headquarters Office in Belgrade and Bucharest is expected to undertake the following tasks:


Required Education and Experience

Skills required

Start date: January 2025 (starting as soon as possible)

End date: October 2026. The Consultancy contract will be renewed for each academic year.

Location: Serbia


Application Process

 A complete application includes:

  1. Curriculum vitae or resume
  2. Statement of interest, that should include:
    1. Your motivation and academic / education degree;
    2. Any previous experience in working with state authorities, education and employment agencies; 
    3. Your previous experience working with Roma communities and civil society organizations (CSOs) or other relevant organizations in the respective country; 

Application must be made in English and must be submitted at the latest by 15 January, 2025 to the following address: Please include in the subject line “Country Facilitator Serbia”.

Individuals identifying themselves as Roma, Roma Education Fund scholarship recipients, and fulfilling the above-mentioned profile and requirements are encouraged to apply. Qualified female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.

Important:  To avoid conflicts of interest, individuals who are part of or affiliated with implementing partner organizations supported within this project cannot apply on this call. Due to a high number of applications, unfortunately, REF is not in the position to be able to respond to every applicant individually. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.

Researchers from 5 countries, at the III Edition of the Scientific Conference dedicated to Nicolae Gheorghe

Posted on November 19, 2024 by admin2

The Roma Education Fund Romania, in collaboration with the Master of Roma Studies and the Faculty of Political Sciences at the National School of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA) in Bucharest, Romania, organized the third edition of the International Scientific Conference on “Gheorghianism (Nicolae Gheorghe’s Doctrine) and the Foundations of the Roma Nation”.

The event took place between November 8-9 in Bucharest. The official opening was held at Roma Hub, the new premises of Roma Education Fund, a venue that is shared with its partners from the Roma for Europe Network. This event brought together distinguished speakers, students, and members of civil society to discuss the influential ideas of Nicolae Gheorghe, the father of Roma civic activism in Romania and a reformer of the international Roma movement.

The studies were showcased on November 9 at the Master of Roma Studies halls at SNSPA. More than 25 researchers, PhD candidates, and master’s students presented their work to the audience. The topics included: “Roma at the Beginning of the Communist Regime: Perspectives on Social History” by Manuela Marin, PhD, “Roma Women: From Stigmatization to Affirmation. Stories of the Struggle to Exist Throughout History” by the PhD student Luiza Medeleanu, “Roma Resistance: Mobilizing Marketplace Resources” by Tana Licsandru, PhD, and Cristina Galalae, PhD or “Romania’s Holy War: The Situation of the Roma in the Romanian Army” by the researcher Grant T. Harward.

A special committee from the University will select the best presentations, which will be published in the upcoming edition of the Political Sphere Magazine, continuing the tradition established in the first two editions.

This multidisciplinary approach of the event shines a spotlight on the invaluable contributions of the Roma to society, championing a more inclusive and truthful portrayal of our history and identity. By exploring the Roma experience from diverse angles, researchers can craft more impactful policies and initiatives, tackling the challenges faced by the Roma community head-on and advancing the cause of social justice and equality.

Prijava za događaj povezivanja – “Budi glas usmeravanja”

Posted on November 18, 2024 by admin2


Fondacija za obrazovanje Roma poziva sve mlade Rome i Romkinje, kao i korisnike REF-ovih programa da nam se pridruže na predstojećem događaju povezivanja, koji se organizuju u sklopu projekta “Usmeravanje mladih Roma i Romkinja ka kvalitetnom obrazovanju i zapošljavanju”.

Trodnevni seminar za mlade Rome i Romkinje se organizuje sa ciljem motivisanja i podsticanja na aktivizam i aktivno učešće u zajednici. Događaj će okupiti mlade Rome i Romkinje iz cele Srbije, koji bi bili u ulozi omladinskih saradnika i saradnica na terenu. Saradnici i saradnice bi pomagali da informacije o dostupnim konkursima FOR-a dođe do što većeg broja ljudi, da okupe mlade koji bi bili zainteresovani za pohađanje virtuelnih sesija, kao i da pomognu svojim vršnjacima da popune formulare za prijave na konkurse FOR-a. 

Omladinski saradnici i saradnice će na ovom događaju proći obuku iz oblasti komunikacija, javnog nastupa, asertivnog ponašanja i šarma, kao i liderstva. 


29. novembar – 01. decembar 2024. godine

Mesto na kome će se održati trodnevni trening
 Srebrno jezero

 Broj učesnika/ca:

 do 20 učesnika/ca

 Ciljevi Radionice:

Upoznavanje sa ključnim tematskim konceptima, povezivanje učesnika kroz zajednički rad i aktivnosti.


Prisustvo je obavezno sva tri dana (od petka do nedelje). Svi troškovi prevoza, smeštaja i obroka su pokriveni od strane organizatora, Fondacije za obrazovanje Roma.

Nakon procesa selekcije, samo podnosioci prijava koji budu prošli proces selekcije biće kontaktirani, nakon čega će dobiti sve potrebne informacije.

Prijava putem ovog formulara  

REF Serbia is Launching the QualiROM Project

Posted on October 29, 2024 by admin2

The ‘Guiding Roma Youth to Quality Education and Employment: QualiROM’ project aims to ease the transition of young Roma from Serbia into employment. This initiative will support 250 youths in identifying their educational and career paths, making informed decisions, and ensuring a smooth transition into their professional lives. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) though Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)).

This initiative builds on REF’s previous efforts to improve education and integration for Roma communities, but it takes a crucial step further by focusing on the transition from education to employment—a vital stage for young Roma. By developing job-related skills, providing practical internship experiences, and fostering public-private sector collaboration, the project not only enhances the employability of young Roma but also empowers them to make informed career decisions. Additionally, the innovative Virtual Coaching Platform offers a cutting-edge solution to bridge the digital divide, providing a space for young Roma to share ideas, gain knowledge, and improve their employment prospects – Adi Sinani, project manager REF Serbia.

Specific objectives of the project are the following:

The project will focus on providing opportunities for young Roma to explore, connect and practice their skills for job seeking though i) career fairs, networking events and direct communication with employers and ii) opportunities to gain practical experience though internships and online professional coaching. It also prioritizes inclusivity by raising awareness among young Roma about their rights and available resources and educating employers on the importance of fostering discrimination-free, inclusive workplaces.

QualiROM Project will enable young Roma, especially Romani girls, to access their rights, resources, and representation, making them visible, active, and equal participants in the job market.

Anticipated partners involved in the project areNational Employment Agency,German – Serbian Chamber of Industry and Commerce(AHA), Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor, Employment Social and Veteran Affairs, Ministry of Human, Minority Rights and Social Dialogue and Agency for Qualifications, local self-governments committed to facilitate employment of young Roma, international organizations, private corporate industries, local Roma and non-Roma CSOs. 

By engaging a broad spectrum of partners—from government bodies to local and international organizations—the project demonstrates a collective commitment to creating a more equitable society where young Roma can thrive as active, equal participants in the workforce. This initiative is a vital contribution to promoting social inclusion, reducing unemployment, and fostering long-term economic empowerment for Roma youth in Serbia. This is an great opportunity for all young Roma men and women who would like to raise their self-confidence, strengthen their business skills and embrace their identity” – Adi Sinani.

Stay connected

Initial Founders

The World Bank

An international financial institution that provides loans and grants to the governments of low- and middle-income countries for the purpose of pursuing capital projects.
The World Bank

Open Society Foundations

Financially supports civil society groups around the world, with the stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media.
Open Society Foundations